Horizon Imaging

07792 139 506

01483 610 535


Drone Aerial Photography Gallery

Have a browse through some of our latest drone aerial photography work and try to imagine how bland and unexciting these buildings or landscapes would have looked from ground level. 
Taken from between 20ft and 400ft above ground level, these unique aerial viewpoints have a truly arresting effect when compared to equivalent photographs of the same subject taken from the ground. They immediately show the relationship between the subject and its surroundings — something only drone aerial photographs can achieve. 
Furthermore, unlike aerial photographs taken from full-size aircraft or helicopters, Horizon Imaging’s aerial photographs have a much greater sense of depth and perspective as a result of flying at a much lower altitude. Virtually all our aerial photographs will include the horizon in their composition (hence the name ‘Horizon Imaging’!), and you won’t find any flat, plan-view photographs here … unless that is specifically what the client asked for! 
Our drone aerial photographs are often taken at the same time as a set of architectural photographs — providing all the imagery our clients need in a single visit, saving them both time and money. 
If these photographs have inspired you to revisit your marketing and report imagery, contact us today to see how we can help you. 
Please click on each image to enlarge it and then use the left and right arrows to browse through the photographs.